My characters

All of the characters depicted are over the age of 18.
All four started out as simple worgen characters during my journey through World of Warcraft. Every one of them was or will be redesigned and made from scratch by me. Nowadays most of them are fully independent on WoW's assets as everything was made from scratch by me. They are always subject to change, based on my ideas or impressions.
I do not roleplay with them and do not intent to share their project files/models for now. Thanks for your understanding!
You are free to use any of them for your drawings or other creative media as long you give proper credit and do not claim them as your own.
(Proper reference sheets will be provided at some later date - state, July 2023)

** Please DO NOT redistribute my works to other sites without giving proper credit by mentioning my name or linking to my websites/credentials. Thank you! **


  • Body height: 2,20 meters (~7'3")

  • Weight: 130kg (~287lbs)

  • Prone to excessive drinking

  • Loves snow and mountains

  • Keeps stumbling over dwarves

  • Hard shell, soft core

Almaria FerrowynnLosing her parents in the chaos that was the worgen outbreak in Gilneas, she grew up as a foster child inside a night elf warrior family in Darnassus. She was one of the few who fell under the curse at a young age.
Growing up surrounded by elves was not easy for her. She was mocked for being a monster by the other elf children and struggled to fit in. This resulted in a several incidents of blind rage - using her animalistic features to scare away or even hurt other people just so she can be alone in peace.
Her Stepfather taught her the art of sword fighting, hoping that she would be able to stand on her own and forge her own destiny - fighting with steel and not her teeth or claws. She took great pleasure in fighting and the adrenaline that flows through her.
It gave her a few moments where she can feel tranquility and control her temper.
After losing her second family and homeland during the burning of Teldrassil, she blames the Alliance for their inability to save the world tree. This made her even more resentful and made it difficult to control her fury.
On her own for good now, she decided to not rely on anyone else but using everything that her father taught her. Working as a mercenary and keeping everyone at a distance, she tries to find purpose in a world drowned in war and conflict.
With her ferocity and anger as a worgen, combined with a plate armor and her sword fighting proficiency, she now embraces being a raging storm of steel on the battlefield - keeping control of her ire as she wants to paint the soil around her red.


  • Body height: 1,81 meters (~6'0")

  • Weight: 62kg (~137lbs)

  • Her favorite fruits are mangoes

  • Loves rain

  • Thinks her ears are too small

  • Finds pygmies hilarious

Raahi ShamsiyaThe Anubisath - titan-forged giants who eventually fell under the curse of flesh- are no mystery to the inhabitants of Azeroth. But what remains a mystery for the Tol'vir is a small, anubian offspring they found in the middle of desert. It is almost a miracle how she was seemingly unharmed inside such a hostile environment.
The Ramkahen viewed her a gift from the sun and named her "Raahi".
They taught her their ancient customs which she eagerly pursued in order to join the rank as a priestess. Now deeply sworn to the sun and proficient with holy magic, she helped the locals and wounded soldiers alike.
During the cataclysm of Azeroth, her homeland was attacked by the Neferset who joined Deathwing's forces.
After their victory with the help of Azeroth's champions, she came into first contant with the Worgen. This was the first moment where she and the Ramkahen were questioning her true origin even though she was found way before the outbreak of Gilneas happened - she cannot even remember having a human form.
Her time for thoughts was not long though, as Uldum was eventually under attack once again - this time by the Black Empire when N'Zoth broke out of his prison.
Having defended her homeland twice and now as a high priestess of the Ramkahen, she decided to leave her homeland for a pilgrimage - exploring the world and learning more about herself and the life outside of the desert. Her heart still beats for the warm sun of Uldum and may return from time to time so she won't never forget her home where she grew up.


  • Body height: 2,32 meters (~7'7")

  • Weight: 165kg (~364lbs)

  • Illiterate

  • Kinda clumsy sometimes

  • Loves sitting at the seashore

  • Selfish but can be prudent deep inside

KraygorSome people have easy lives, some people have it hard ... and some are given no lifes at all. For Kraygor, his life was taken away at the age of 15 as he got sold to a quarry working as a slave.
He quickly saw that there was no escape. Worgen and other beast-like races were enslaved because of their superior strength and durability - slaving away until they die and eventually get replaced.
His cellmates also saw him as an easy target. Being bullied and forced to follow the hierarchy of "the pack", he was always reluctant to simply bow down. His behaviour rewarded him with years of physical abuse by the self-proclaimed "alpha" which at one point made him lose his eyesight on his right eye.
His insubordination was also turned against his slave drivers - being constantly punished by whiplashes on his back with ever increasing intensity, people quickly realized that his intention was not to resist, but to die.
The slaveholder even had a doctor whose purpose was to patch up the slaves so they have to endure even more abuse and punishment before they eventually break and die. Kraygor, who was held in chains during a medical procedure, managed to break free and crippled the doctor for live with paraplegia. This finally rewarded him what he always desired: a sentence to death.
But for reasons to him unknown, it was the doctor who organized a plan to free him during the night before the public execution. Both of them made it out alive and are now on the run.
Kraygor does not know why he did follow. Did he still have a small sliver of hope inside? Also why did the doctor help him? Reluctantly he is now trying to figure out, what it means to live with a free will. The doctor tries to serve him as a guide and, as they will soon find out, sort of a father figure. However their complicated past will continue to haunt them and whenever conflict awaits, a crippled man will have trouble trying to keep a massive brute like Kraygor in check.


  • Body height: 2,1 meters

  • Weight: 112kg

  • Enjoys the piano

  • Always wanted to train hunting dogs

  • Had a secret hideout to relax near Gilneas

  • Always disliked the formality of the nobles

Delia Irene EschbornIrene is the first daughter and the second of three children of the noble Eschborn family. The Eschborns rose to wealth and power as a lumberjack family, providing the local kingdom and soon even beyond with ash wood. Their timber is the foundation of entire cities and thus, they play a large role not only in the economy but also politics.
Her mother, Mary Eschborn, is the matriarch and centerpiece of all the family's operations.
Due to her mother's influence, Irene was the captain of the guard of Gilneas and was responsible for all security measurements inside the kingdom ... all in Mary's interest, that is.
The Eschborns were also close friends with the Godfrey family. This means their opinion on the worgen outbreak was pretty clear - preserve humanity at all cost and eradicate this curse without remorse.
Irene herself was often leading hunts on rabid and wild worgen, hoping that they would decimate their numbers.
Her relation with her family took a severe hit once she had to tell her mother about her affection to females. Being homosexual, Irene wont be able to marry a husband and give offspring to continue the bloodline. With great disdain from her mother, a new sister was quickly conceived with the hope, that she would fill in the gap that Irene now left in her mother's plans.
Her reputation inside the family fell down even further after Irene was bit in her left arm by a Worgen. Hoping to save herself from the curse, she rapidly cut off her arm and almost bled to death. She managed to survive but the curse could not be stopped.
Now being the very thing that she herself and her family hate, Irene is now the black sheep (or wolf) inside the family. With a masterfully crafted prosthetic limb, and heightened senses, her hunt for wild creatures shall never stop. But the ever increasing tension between her and her family shall reveal a much more troubling future that can threaten the stability and power of (whats now left after the outbreak and burning of teldrassil) the gilnean upper class and politics.